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Struggling With Loose Dentures?


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#1 Comprehensive Dentistry in Bloomingdale

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Our Services

We’re Here to Help You Get the Perfect Smile

From comprehensive exams to tooth restorations, we can provide every member of your family with preventative care and treatments that will keep your smiles healthy.

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

comprehensive dentistry and invisalign logo

family of four smiling together

Now Accepting New Patients

The first time patients walk through our doors they are almost always pleasantly surprised. In fact, their first response is usually, “Wow! This doesn’t look or feel anything like a dental office!”

We greet you by name and offer you a beverage and a seat in our inviting reception area. A friendly member of our team will be your guide on a tour of our office. Once the tour is complete, we take you to the examination room and help you get comfortable in one of our deluxe chairs. At this point, we will start getting to know your smile. We’ll take an oral history and x-rays, make a point to use intraoral cameras to show you what is happening in real time.

mature couple smiling together

Offering a Full Range of Premier Dental Solutions

At Comprehensive Dentistry, we offer all the dental services you could need under one roof. From preventative cleanings and Invisalign® clear aligners to periodontal therapy and full mouth restorations, our professional team is here when you need premier general, cosmetic, or restorative dental services. Better yet, we offer sedation dentistry for those looking to receive extra support during their visit with us. We understand that dental anxiety is a very real thing, and we’re here to put your worries at ease so you can get the dental care you need and deserve. Our compassionate team does everything we can to create a warm and welcoming dental environment for our patients. See for yourself by allowing our office to be your smile’s new home! With a full range of services and a second-to-none dental staff, we look forward to catering to your unique smile.

Serving Bloomingdale and Surrounding Areas

Our office is a serene, nurturing environment. Extra touches like warm blankets, hot towels, and fresh coffee to leave you feeling soothed, refreshed, and renewed. Experienced doctors who listen and treat you like a real person. These are just a few of the extras you will discover at Comprehensive Dentistry. But we really don’t consider them luxuries. We think this is the way dentistry should always be. You deserve it! We never rush you in and out of the door. Instead, we always take plenty of time to listen, discuss, explain, and pamper.

Schedule Exceptional Dental Care

183 S. Bloomingdale Road, Suite 200
Bloomingdale, IL 60108


Hours Of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month)

Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale

Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale, South Bloomingdale Road, Bloomingdale, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Comprehensive Dentistry accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.

Elite Total Care Plan

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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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